Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Danny is Mr Popular.

As mentioned in the previous post, when we were at various places, people would come up and want to take their picture with Danny.  Well, that continues to happen...!  And when we were at the Temple of Heaven, at one point Danny sat down and did some drawing, and people would stop and stare at his left-handedness.  Above are some pictures showing what has been happening.

In the shop where these pictures were taken, the very nice shopkeepers kept grabbing some small item (a pot, a stone turtle, etc) and would plop it down in front of Danny to draw.  He would draw it, and as soon as he was done, they would whisk it away and set another object down for him to draw.  He just kept cranking out the drawings as fast as he could.  Needless to say, by the end of the day he was very overwhelmed with all the attention!  LOL!

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that! Now I want to see his drawings! - CUhl
